I Am Number 4 Movie Review

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Surprisingly, I am Number Four is a well-crafted action thriller, based on a popular young adult novel, and a film that's strong-willed enough for adults to enjoy, but still works well to identify with its core audience, the teenagers.
Alex Pettyfer plays a teen with some extraordinary powers. Going by the name John Smith to keep a low profile, he is on the run from some type of enemy that is sent to destroy him. The enemies are some weird looking folks, with what looks like gills on their faces, and very vampiric features on their face. And with some massive amounts of sharp teeth. they aren't looking for playtime. John Smith and his guardian Henri (played by Justified's Timothy Olyphant) have moved to Paradise, Ohio, because Henri has some matters to attend to. John meets his first love, Sarah (played by Glee's Dianna Agron), and struggles with letting her in and falling for her while at the same time dealing with the crises around him, the very real threat to the world that only he can the rest of those like him can stop.
It balances itself as a coming-of-age tale for John, but it's centered around some much more dramatic issues besides his first love and some school bullies. Those that are coming after him are looking to kill him, and they've Already killed Number 1, 2, and 3. They are known as the Mogadorians, and their commander is played by Kevin Durand.
There's a lot of action here, which I guess isn't too surprising considering Michael Bay produced it. It's well thought-out, strongly-choreographed and fits in very seamlessly with the movie, the fantastical images never looking to out of place. There are some very neat creatures, or shall I say frightening creatures, that the Mogadorians carry along with them, and the weapons used, a sort of laser-like gun, makes it look like some futuristic, deadly laser tag.
The sub-plot between John and Sarah serves its purpose and never feels too forced, fitting in nicely with all the possible-world-ending drama around them. Both Pettyfer and Agron give good performances, and Timothy Olyphant is solid as always as John's guardian. Olyphant is at his best when he's got a chip on his shoulder and a bit of an attitude, and Henri certainly had that. My favorite performance goes to Kevin Durand, who looks like he had the time of his life playing the Commander. The Commander works as that evil, but humorous bad guy you can feel free to laugh at because he's just on a movie screen, and not right in your face like with the characters you're watching.
I Am Number Four does a good job of setting up the series and introducing the characters, and we never feel like this movie was simply just an introduction to something else. I Am Number Four stands strong on its own as a very capable teen action flick.