Kinect for Xbox 360

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Microsoft has finally confirmed costs for their new motion sensor control system Kinect, stating that the device will retail for £129.99 and include launch title Kinect Adventures. Having been designed to rival Nintendo’s Wii and Sony’s similar device, the PlayStation Move for the PS3, it seems strange to see the peripheral debut at a price which is just £35 less than the Wii console itself and double the price of Sony’s Move bundle, set to launch in September for £59.99.

Kinect for Xbox 360 offers fantastic new ways to be entertained for the whole family,” said Chris Lewis, vice president, Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft Europe. “With full body, voice and multiplayer play straight out of the box, Kinect is a unique way for everyone to enjoy controller-free fun and entertainment.”

However, with the assumed advantage of controller-free entertainment yet to be established (see my recent ‘Hands-on with Xbox 360 Kinect’ blog), Microsoft have taken a huge leap of faith by investing so much in this new technology. By launching Kinect with largely family orientated titles, Kinectimals, Kinect Sports, and Kinect Joy Ride, they are taking the gamble that families will invest in the device having been wooed by the hype offensive which is sure to kick into overdrive soon.
Perhaps the more competitively priced Xbox 360 4GB console will be the preferred choice of many. Bundled with the Kinect sensor and Kinect Adventures it certainly offers more value and is the more tempting option, however for owners of the 40 million Xbox 360 consoles already out this console bundle is clearly not such a good choice.

When all is said and done consoles and peripherals sell on the strength of their games and it is here where Microsoft’s Kinect might struggle. Having taken the decision to largely overlook the so-called ‘hardcore’ gaming audience – those who play first-person shooters, action-adventure games and so on – Microsoft have left themselves in the unenviable position of having to sell a £129.99 peripheral to parents who might already own a Wii anyway. Without being able to demonstrate too much in the way of innovative software what is there to attract Wii owners to the device?

Of course, if Microsoft’s “You are the controller” slogan catches on then expect Kinect to spread like rapid fire around the nation’s living rooms.