Miles to Go: The Second Journal of the Walk Series

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Alan Christoffersen, a once-successful advertising executive, wakes one morning to find himself injured, alone, and confined to a hospital bed in Spokane, Washington. Sixteen days earlier, reeling from the sudden loss of his wife, his home, and his business, Alan left everything he knew behind and set off on an extraordinary cross-country journey. Carrying only a backpack, he planned to walk to Key West, the farthest destination on his map. But a vicious roadside stabbing has interrupted Alan's trek and robbed him of his one source of solace: the ability to walk.

Homeless and facing months of difficult recovery, Alan has nowhere to turn--until a mysterious woman enters his life and invites him into her home. Generous and kind, Angel seems almost too good to be true, but all is not as it appears. Alan soon realizes that before he can return to his own journey, he must first help Angel with hers.

From one of America's most beloved and bestselling storytellers comes an astonishing tale of life and death, love and second chances, and why sometimes the best way to heal your own suffering is by helping to heal someone else's.

Inspiring, moving, and full of wisdom, Miles to Go picks up where the bestseller The Walk left off, continuing the unforgettable series about one man's unrelenting search for hope. 

Book Review: Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Septys

Human history contains a great number of tragedies. Often, these are given a footnote, if that in the high school history textbook. While I could go on and on and on about how horrible history textbooks are, I won’t. Instead I will say to you, read Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen.  I mean, how often do you hear about Columbus’s slaughter of the Arawak indigenous peoples. How often do you read about the Armenian genocide? Or what about the Albigensian Crusade? Go look that one up. As humans, we are cruel to each other. Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Septys takes on what was essentially a paragraph in my history class notes and turns it a harrowing novel.
Between Shades of Gray examines what life was like on a micro scale for someone who had been deported to Siberia for being anti-Soviet, or, enemies of the people. Lina, 15 years old, is a Lithuanian girl who loves art, flirts with boys and has a close relationship with her family. She’s your typical teenage girl, with a dose of sass, living in the early 1940s. Unfortunately the 1940s are a time of turmoil and change. You have Hitler going nuts changing the map as he annexes countries. Stalin is rising to huge amounts of power taking over Eastern Europe. Caught in the cross hairs of these two powerful men are countries like Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc. In the dead of night, the NKVD show up at Lina’s home and deport her family to Siberia for unpatriotic activities. Lina, a 15 year old girl is considered a political criminal, yet she has done nothing to merit that. As her father is a university provost and middle-class, this is considered a crime against the people, a crime the whole family commits merely by their social standing. FRIENDS, it is heart wrenching to see this whole family’s lives ripped apart.
The writing in Between Shades of Gray is gorgeous. It’s never overwrought. It’s never cheaply sentimental. Pot shots aren’t taken for the sense of sparking tears from the reader. To me, I felt the writing was an honest portrayal of what people really went through. There was nothing hokey about it. It never felt like a school lesson either. In fact, because the writing is not filled with unnecessary, overly descriptive words, I felt that it was easier to connect with Lina. We get these brief images or rather, flashbacks, of Lina’s previous life interwoven with the current narrative of events. When you see how happy Lina’s life was, and just compare it with life on the klokholz, the collective farm, it’s enough to break your heart.
And I know people reading this book will appreciate their own circumstances, which is great. But I think you should also make it not about you. Don’t turn the book into a selfish experience. Instead think about real people, and what they actually went through. Think about THEIR pain. Think about what people are still going through today in Darfur. Think about something besides yourself.
The note I want to end on in this review of Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Septys is that history is so important to learn about. We keep making mistakes over and over and over. I mean, just look at what goes on in the news. I think the more we try to uncover the past, terrible though it may be, the more we try to not whitewash these incidents, the more we are able to move forward, and hopefully change for the better.

Book Review: The Art of Racing in the Rain

Summary: Enzo knows he is different from other dogs: a philosopher with a nearly human soul (and an obsession with opposable thumbs), he has educated himself by watching television extensively, and by listening very closely to the words of his master, Denny Swift, an up-and-coming race car driver.

Through Denny, Enzo has gained tremendous insight into the human condition, and he sees that life, like racing, isn't simply about going fast. Using the techniques needed on the race track, one can successfully navigate all of life's ordeals.

On the eve of his death, Enzo takes stock of his life, recalling all that he and his family have been through: the sacrifices Denny has made to succeed professionally; the unexpected loss of Eve, Denny's wife; the three-year battle over their daughter, Zoë, whose maternal grandparents pulled every string to gain custody. In the end, despite what he sees as his own limitations, Enzo comes through heroically to preserve the Swift family, holding in his heart the dream that Denny will become a racing champion with Zoë at his side. Having learned what it takes to be a compassionate and successful person, the wise canine can barely wait until his next lifetime, when he is sure he will return as a man.
A heart-wrenching but deeply funny and ultimately uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, and hope, The Art of Racing in the Rain is a beautifully crafted and captivating look at the wonders and absurdities of human life . . . as only a dog could tell it. -- Harper

I was so excited when our book club selected THE ART OF RACING IN THE RAIN by Garth Stein. I have read so many raving reviews for this book, and I have been desperately wanting an excuse to read it. I almost never read my book club book until a day or two before the meeting, but I just couldn't wait any longer to pick it up after I heard my good friend (who wasn't looking forward to reading it) gushing about how wonderful it was. She was right -- I absolutely adored this book. I loved the story, the characters; and the novel made me laugh (a lot) and even cry (a little.) It was such a pleasure to read!

After reading THE ART OF RACING IN THE RAIN, I desperately want a dog. Anyone who knows me is laughing right now because I am so not a dog as a pet type of person -- my son and I both are very allergic to dogs, and I'm kind of a freak about dog hair! Actually, I think I want an Enzo. Even though (or maybe because) he is a dog, he is definitely one of my favorite narrators in recent memory. Not only was he the most loyal and loving of companions to Denny and his family, but he was also extremely insightful into the basic nature of humans.

As I read this book, I was a little worried that I'd be let down or saddened by the ending of this book. I could pretty much see what was coming and knew that it was going to be a heart breaker, but I just enjoyed the book so much that I was concerned the ending wouldn't live up to the rest of the book. While I admit that I did shed some tears, I loved the last few chapters of this novel! Overall, I felt such joy and hope about life; and I have Enzo to thank for his wisdom and life-affirming messages.

I have never read any of Mr. Stein's previous novels, but I have to say that I'm now a huge fan. If you would have described this book to me -- a story told by a dog about his race car driving owner and his family, I would have never picked it up. But somehow Mr. Stein was able to tell this story in such a way that really captured my heart. I was so impressed with the way he incorporated symbolism into this novel. And I especially appreciated how he was able to relate the art race car driving (especially in the rain) to living life with its many ups and downs. Check out this interview with Mr. Stein for some additional insight into his writing of this novel. I loved his answer to the question "What answers can we all learn from Enzo?"

As far as I'm concerned, THE ART OF RACING IN THE RAIN is a perfect book for book clubs everywhere. The book is extremely readable (I read it in less than a day), and the story captures your attention as well as your heart in the first few pages. I would be absolutely shocked if all the members didn't adore this book and its messages. I love the questions in the reading guide and look forward to discussing this endearing novel with my friends this evening. 

I Am Number 4 Movie Review

Surprisingly, I am Number Four is a well-crafted action thriller, based on a popular young adult novel, and a film that's strong-willed enough for adults to enjoy, but still works well to identify with its core audience, the teenagers.
Alex Pettyfer plays a teen with some extraordinary powers. Going by the name John Smith to keep a low profile, he is on the run from some type of enemy that is sent to destroy him. The enemies are some weird looking folks, with what looks like gills on their faces, and very vampiric features on their face. And with some massive amounts of sharp teeth. they aren't looking for playtime. John Smith and his guardian Henri (played by Justified's Timothy Olyphant) have moved to Paradise, Ohio, because Henri has some matters to attend to. John meets his first love, Sarah (played by Glee's Dianna Agron), and struggles with letting her in and falling for her while at the same time dealing with the crises around him, the very real threat to the world that only he can the rest of those like him can stop.
It balances itself as a coming-of-age tale for John, but it's centered around some much more dramatic issues besides his first love and some school bullies. Those that are coming after him are looking to kill him, and they've Already killed Number 1, 2, and 3. They are known as the Mogadorians, and their commander is played by Kevin Durand.
There's a lot of action here, which I guess isn't too surprising considering Michael Bay produced it. It's well thought-out, strongly-choreographed and fits in very seamlessly with the movie, the fantastical images never looking to out of place. There are some very neat creatures, or shall I say frightening creatures, that the Mogadorians carry along with them, and the weapons used, a sort of laser-like gun, makes it look like some futuristic, deadly laser tag.
The sub-plot between John and Sarah serves its purpose and never feels too forced, fitting in nicely with all the possible-world-ending drama around them. Both Pettyfer and Agron give good performances, and Timothy Olyphant is solid as always as John's guardian. Olyphant is at his best when he's got a chip on his shoulder and a bit of an attitude, and Henri certainly had that. My favorite performance goes to Kevin Durand, who looks like he had the time of his life playing the Commander. The Commander works as that evil, but humorous bad guy you can feel free to laugh at because he's just on a movie screen, and not right in your face like with the characters you're watching.
I Am Number Four does a good job of setting up the series and introducing the characters, and we never feel like this movie was simply just an introduction to something else. I Am Number Four stands strong on its own as a very capable teen action flick.

Book Review : Dork Diaries

Title: Dork Diaries
Author: Rachel Renee Russell
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 282
Grade Reading Level: Ages 9-12
Summary: Nikki is living a not so perfect life. She has to avoid her embarrassing family and the annoying mean girls at school. She also wants her crush to know that she exists and for not everyone to think of her as a dork. Surviving middle school isn't just a walk in a park for Nikki. Can she survive without dying of embarrassment, win the guy of her dreams, and become popular?


  • This book (and the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series) was enjoyable for me to read because I could relate to them. They're both in middle school, aren't very popular, and have problems in and out of school. (Just like any other middle school student.) So it was fun to read.
  • I liked reading this book as a diary. I thought it was funny in inside of the book it says: This Diary Belongs to: Nikki J. Maxwell (No Snooping Allowed!!) It made me feel so sneaky!
  • This book was written exactly how a middle school girl would write. It's very good in that respect. You will find phrases like: OMG!, I was like JUST GREAT!, etc.
  • I liked the character Brandon. He was so sweet and didn't care what anyone thought, said, or who he hung out with. I especially liked when everything was going wrong for Nikki (she woke up late, had to rush to school, and her art project had been crushed under he dad's van) and with perfect timing Brandon comes out with an umbrella to come and comfort her.
  • I enjoyed all the illustrations. They were hilarious. They just pulled the book together. I especially liked the drawing of Brianna (Nikki's little sister) admiring Mackenzie's room.


  • The ending was all so sudden. Mackenzie went from devil mean to best friends with Nikki (not really best friends but close) I just don't think that something could happen that fast and I wish the author told us how Mackenzie changed her mind and what she was thinking. It would have made more sense and I would have bought it more easily with an explanation.

Michael Buble Gets Married in Argentina

Michael Buble married Luisana Lopilato in a civil wedding ceremony in Argentina on Thursday.
Lopilato wore a violet-colored mini dress and carried a small bouquet of purple orchids. Buble wore a gray suit and silver tie.
The couple were greeted by a mob of fans who Lopilato tossed her bouquet to.
They plan to celebrate with a full ceremony in front of 300 guests at a mansion outside of Buenos Aires over the weekend. Next month, they will have a smaller wedding reception with Buble’s family in Vancouver.
Buble proposed to Lopilato in 2010 with an engagement ring by Minichiello.

Burlesque - Film Review

It has to be one of the oldest stories in the Hollywood playbook: Ingenue comes to Tinseltown and becomes an overnight sensation, which inspires romance, conflicts and animosities.

But this tale gets a vibrant makeover in writer-director Steve Antin's toe-tapping, flamboyantly skin-deep musical Burlesque. Yes, it's only skin-deep, and so what? Perhaps because they're so rarely attempted these days, recent musicals have felt a self-conscious need to dig for significance, whether it be artistic malaise (Nine), racial inequality (Dreamgirls) or media manipulation (Chicago). Burlesque stays aggressively on the surface, reveling in its artificiality.
It was a risky bet by this first-time feature director to cast songstress Christina Aguilera, a singer who had never acted in a film. The stroke of genius here is to pair her with pop-music icon Cher. Although Aguilera is in nearly every scene and Cher appears irregularly, they nicely balance each other as they play single-minded characters passionate about their work as cabaret performers.
One is at wits' end about a possibly dying art and the other too fresh and enthused to notice. One singer-actress is an old pro and the other a superb entertainer exploring a new avenue for her talent. (Note to Cher: In this instance, "old" is a good thing and a compliment. You still look fabulous.)
Another successful gamble was to make a musical, traditionally a mating ritual, into a female-centric extravaganza. The movie backgrounds its male characters as best it can -- Love Interest, Best (Gay) Friend, Frantic Ex-Husband, Ravenous Real Estate Developer -- so the beautiful, fabulous women are front and center.
Women will love this, and men won't mind the eye candy either, so it looks like this Screen Gems release can't help becoming a hit. News stories about conflicts on the set and reshoots will only fuel the curiosity factor. Besides, burlesque itself -- a stage-show tradition dating to late-19th century British music halls -- with its risque humor and ample flesh (without full exposure), is making a comeback. Burlesque should seal the deal.
The movie takes place in a Sunset Boulevard theater called the Burlesque Lounge that's on its last legs, no matter how curvy and luscious those legs may be. In walks the naive heroine from Iowa, Aguilera's Ali Rose. She's hooked the minute she sees Cher's Tess, the club's co-owner and resident diva, belt out "Welcome to Burlesque," backed by a chorus line in fishnet stockings and eye-popping bustiers.
No one will give her a job, so with the help of a handsome bartender (Cam Gigandet) -- Love Interest -- she creates one out of thin air. She grabs a tray and is now a cocktail waitress only one urgent plea/conniving manipulation/sensational audition away from that glorious stage.
She gets that shot, of course, and later gets to display that big Aguilera voice, which rocks the theater. A star may be born, but "nothing's what it seems" -- one of the many cliche lines that Antin's screenplay indulges in with glee.
The Burlesque Lounge teeters on bankruptcy. Tess' Frantic Ex-Husband (Peter Gallagher) pleads her to sell to the Real Estate Developer (Eric Dane), while her Best (Gay) Friend (Stanley Tucci) assures her that things somehow will work out. The film's romantic melodrama centers on Ali's tentative flirtation with the bartender. They end up circumstantial roommates in his Hollywood apartment, but he has a "fiancee" back in New York, a nightly long-distance phone call that does nothing to warm his bed.
Back at the theater, a good girl (Julianne Hough) is pregnant and a bad girl (Kristen Bell) insanely jealous of Ali's popularity. And so the various plot lines go, serving mostly to inspire song-and-dance numbers from the female performers. Occasionally, a number takes place in the mind of its heroine. Perhaps the entire movie actually takes place there.
The songs tip their hats to various showbiz traditions. "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" is a nod to '50s showstoppers, "Wagon Wheel Watusi" leans toward '60s pop, and "Something's Got a Hold on Me" and blues pieces add a touch of soul.
Dances choreographed by Denise Faye and Joey Pizzi aren't conventional displays of happy feet and athletic agility. Instead, numbers are a series of poses built around a prop, like a chair. Hair flies this way, buttocks thrust that way, and arms strike out at abrupt angles. Virginia Katz's editing is swift as Bojan Bazelli's camera moves fluidly in front of the stage.
Antin is in his element here. His sister Robin founded mischievous burlesque troupe the Pussycat Dolls, and he has directed a couple of their videos. He clearly loves this world. The numbers would make Ziegfeld proud; they glorify the American girl with only a little PG-13 naughtiness. Antin knows what you came to see, and he delivers.
So does Aguilera. Her role is kept deliberately nondescript so she can fill it with her own personality and big voice. She does bring beguiling innocence to the part, along with a single-minded determination and a hellacious amount of performing talent.
Cher gets only one other number, "You Haven't Seen the Last of Me," which might become her anthem just as "My Way" belonged to Sinatra.
Tucci has his moments as the stage manager and Tess' right-hand man to lighten the melodrama, but the other roles tend toward blandness. The worst served is Alan Cumming. If ever a performer should have been at home in this milieu, it's Cumming -- who, after all, has done Cabaret onstage. Did his role wind up on the cutting-room floor?
Nonetheless, credit Antin with pulling the film musical back to its roots. With Moulin Rouge and Chicago, the musical was beginning to look like long-playing videos. Burlesque is a smart and sassy expedition back to MGM musicals under Arthur Freed, by way of Bob Fosse's jazz-style song-and-dance movies. Indeed, the film musical it most closely resembles is Fosse's Sweet Charity.
So Burlesque celebrates its talented stars and the renaissance of burlesque's cheeky fun. The only disappointment is that no Burlesque Lounge actually exists on Sunset Boulevard. On film, it's such a rockin' joint.

Rio Movie Review

Animated flick starring Jesse Eisenberg and Anne Hathaway is enjoyable enough
It may be considered infantile by some, and can be held to a lower standard than its alternative, but in general, the animated movie is hard to hate or resist. Like the appeal of fantasy and science fiction is providing a magical world more intriguing than the mundane one, animation can, for an hour or two, replace worries of politics and finance with ecstatic images of intelligent animals and unknown creatures. Even the weaker ones can have a touch of liveliness and colour.
Rio, released on the 8th April 2011, may not be a fantastic film, with its tendency to plop annoying clichés onto its script and a lack of interesting characters, but it still manages to entertain and has its heart in the right place.

Prepare for Carnivale

Blu (Jesse Eisenberg) is a blue macaw that has spent a blissful life with the bookish Linda (Leslie Mann), but thanks to bird scientist Tulio (Rodrigo Santaro), he learns he is the last male of his kind and thus must go to Rio to mate with the female macaw Jewel (Anne Hathaway). The two birds have little in common but are forced to bond when captured by poachers and chained together. They plan to escape and reunite Blu with Linda, but this is complicated by the fact Blu cannot fly.
It is an interesting enough story, if not somewhat similar to Alpha and Omega, but there are certainly hiccups along the way. There are some of the more annoying clichés of children’s movies – the streetwise orphan who wants a family, the bungling thieves who pose no real threat, the comic relief characters playing matchmaker toward the protagonists – and common pitfalls of latter-day animation, with a few jokes about posteriors, and monkey henchmen as annoyingly faux-adorable as Despicable Me’s minions, though not as prominent. Some moments even result in being embarrassing, most of them revolving around Tulio and Linda’s relationship; the pair spend a good part of the finale in flamboyant bird costumes, which lessens the emotional impact of Blu’s reunion.
Even with the script’s flaws, the story is still told with an abundance of energy and joy. It rarely takes itself seriously, instead opting to have fun with its setting. Blu flying is a predictable and rather contrived element, but that scene still manages to uplift. Rio’s biggest success is in being a ‘feel-good film’ with certain scenes reminding of a great family holiday, or even an especially good night at the pub with friends. One scene in particular is one set in a club for birds – with its fast-paced music and brightly-lit action, it may make the audience want to dance along with the characters.
Sadly, the main weakness of Rio is with its main character, who is barely sympathetic. He begins the movie delivering sarcastic remarks like an avian Garfield and is whiny and annoying when chained to Jewel. Like the title character of last month’s Rango, he is a pet forced to face the wider world but lacks Rango’s more endearing qualities. Rango may very well be Rio’s evil twin, exchanging bright beaches for depressing deserts and cute critters for curmudgeonly creatures. Rio may succeed in being more joyful and heartwarming than Rango, but it lacks the bonuses for adults that earlier release had.

Welcome to Brazil

The world of the film is beautifully realised and is worth watching at the cinema for the visuals alone. Rio de Janeiro itself is the film’s standout character, its cities and jungles brought to life with meticulous detail. The aforementioned club is bathed in a wide palette that accentuates its heart, and the Carnivale near the end is filled with spectacle.
The performances are generally average. Eisenberg does his best, but the neurotic voice he bestows Blu makes the character less endearing. Hathaway, however, craftily creates a fierce and independent character that still has some compassion. The poachers may be moronic villains of the Home Alone variety, but Jemaine Clement’s malicious cockatoo Nigel, aiming to be as sinisterly sophisticated as Disney’s Scar, is a decent antagonist.

Cars 2 Agents on a Mission Tour Review

It's no secret that Cars 2 is likely to become the most lucrative animated film of 2011. Not only is it from CGI powerhouse Disney/Pixar, but it's a sequel to the beloved 2006 film. While Cars wasn't one of Pixar's bigger hits, it still earned $461 million worldwide and has become an absolute beast in merchandising. That fact alone appears to have overcome Pixar's reluctance toward sequels.
To get fans pumped for Cars 2, Disney/Pixar has teamed up with State Farm Insurance, Mack Trucks and Goodyear Tires to bring out the Cars 2: Agents on a Mission touring exhibition.
In addition to video kiosks, giveaways, a memory game – match the various Cars 2 characters in easy, medium or hard settings – there is also an online sweerstakes where ants can win 18,000 prizes, including a new car.
But it's three full-sized replicas of characters Lightning McQueen, Tow Mater and Finn McMissile that form the centerpiece of this exhibit.
"These cars were digitally recreated to be as close to the character designs as possible, using no off-the-shelf parts," explains Disney/Pixar spokesperson Christine Perez about the vehicles, which in fact were built on Model-T Ford replica chasses. "They have electric motors and a top speed of 10 miles per hour." The largest radio-controlled replica vehicles ever built, a 200-watt sound system under each car's hood provides the exhaust and engine noises. Visitors will be able to get their pictures taken with each character.
"Lightning McQueen's paint scheme is very different from the first film," says Perez. "It reflects the fact that he's now won 4 Piston Cups."
Perez complains that many visitors have confused Finn McMissile with Sally Carrera, Lightning's love interest from the original film. "But he's got a moustache and everything!" she exclaims.
McMissile (voiced by Michael Caine) is a top British secret agent who believes that Mater is a brilliantly disguised American spy. He's assisted by Holley Shiftwell (Emily Mortimer), a younger agent who's just graduated from spy school.
"She's young so she does everything by the book," Perez explains, "while Finn is more experienced, breaks the rules and actually gets stuff done." She says Holley will not be a love interest for McQueen.
What's Cars 2 About?
The new movie follows Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) as he tours Japan, England and Italy in his quest to win the World Grand Prix. Accompanying him is Mater (Larry the Cable Guy), who commits various faux pas – such as when he tries to use a Japanese toilet – and gets caught up in a web of international espionage, courtesy of Finn.
Perez admits financial, not artistic, considerations fueled the Cars sequel. "Cars was such a huge hit for us," she says about the 2006 film. "Okay, it wasn't initially a blowout but it became even bigger over the years through DVD and merchandise sales." According to Perez, Cars is now Disney's fourth largest merchandising line after Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh and Disney Princesses.
The new film is meant to address concerns that the original Cars was too Yankee-centric for international fans. "(Director) John Lasseter was inspired to go global with this film, and not just keep it a North American phenomenon," Perez explains. Original director Brad Lewis was relegated to assistant status for this film.
While Cars 2 is primarily aimed at the kiddies, Perez promises that adults – especially "gearheads" – won't be bored. "There's a lot of multi-level humour," she says. "Jokes that adults, not just kids, will enjoy."
The Cars 2: Agents on a Mission tour will visit 30 cities in the next four months, visiting Los Angeles in time for the movie's premiere on June 24th.

Book Review : The Lost Hero

'The Heroes of Olympus' is a new series by best-selling author Rick Riordan with the first installment titled 'The Lost Hero.' (Disney Hyperion)
Best-selling author Rick Riordan, most known for his Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, brings us the first book in a new series called The Heroes of Olympus. The Lost Hero continues with his entertaining and educational style of combining history and mythology into books that keep the reader involved from the first page to the last.

Rick Riordan has written novels for both adults and young adults. The Percy Jackson series was written for young adults (although adult readers snapped them up as well and were greatly entertained), but this new series seems to be the type of book that could appeal to any age. Riordan has added more action, humor, suspense, and mystery in an epic adventure that leaves the reader longing for the next book in the series.

The Lost Hero combines new and old friends from Camp Half-Blood, where the children of Greek gods and mortal humans are sent. Three new main characters make their appearances in The Lost Hero and the story is told from each of their perspectives in alternating chapters. The three main characters are Jason, Piper, and Leo.

Jason is the “lost hero”—he doesn’t remember anything from his life before waking up in a bus full of teens on a school field trip for the Wilderness School—a boarding school for “bad kids.”

For Jason, everything about the situation seems wrong somehow. He slowly starts to remember certain things, but they only seem to confuse the situation even more. He suddenly realizes he understands and can speak Latin, unlike his fellow campers, who speak Greek.
Piper has a secret. Her father is a famous actor who has been missing for three days, and she has been having terrifying nightmares about his ordeal. She doesn’t understand her dreams or why her boyfriend (Jason) suddenly doesn’t remember her at all. She is terrified that to save her father, she will have to betray her friends.

Leo—who is a friend both to Piper and Jason—doesn’t understand anything that’s happening to them, including being caught in a freak storm and whisked away with his friends to someplace called Camp Half-Blood. But Leo’s gift is his handiness with tools and machines. And when he finds that his cabin mates at camp all have similar abilities, he feels right at home.

Jason, Piper, and Leo find out quickly that they are each supposed to be related to a god—something they all struggle to believe at first. But even though they resist the idea at first, their past and present make the idea of being a demigod start to make sense.

The three are soon swept up into the occurrences going on at the camp, including the mysterious disappearance of the main character, 12-year-old Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon. For almost a month, the gods have been silent and absent to their children at the camp. The three newcomers are asked to go on a quest to help one of the gods. The book continues with the trials and horrors they face as they continue on with their mission—not only trying to complete their quest—but also answer the questions looming in all their lives from the past and the future.

If anyone was afraid that Riordan couldn’t top his Percy Jackson series—they can quit worrying. This new series, even though in the same genre as the Percy Jackson group, has fresh ideas, more mystery and magic and keeps the reader engrossed from start to finish.

Kungfu Panda 2

Setelah merilis trailer baru minggu lalu, kali ini DreamWorks Animation merilis 4 poster terbaru yang memperlihatkan karakter-karakter baru untuk sekuel Kung Fu Panda, yakni “Kung Fu Panda 2.” Film animasi ini akan dibintangi oleh pemain-pemain lamanya seperti Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Seth Rogen, Lucy Lui, David Cross, Jackie Chan dan Dustin Hoffman.
Film animasi yang juga menghadirkan suara-suara dari Gary Oldman, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Michelle Yeoh dan Victor Garber ini akan menceritakan Po yang telah mencapai impiannya menjadi Dragon Warrior. Sebagai Dragon Warrior dia pun punya tanggung jawab menjaga desanya, Valley of Peace, dibantu oleh teman-temannya dan sesama jago kungfu, "The Furious Five" – Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper dan Monkey.
Kehidupan Po yang damai pun mulai terusik dengan munculnya musuh baru, yang punya rencana untuk menggunakan senjata rahasia yang tidak terkalahkan dalam upayanya menguasai seluruh daratan China dan menghancurkan kungfu. Sudah menjadi tugas Po dan The Furious Five untuk menghentikannya, mereka pun akan melintasi China untuk menantang musuh baru ini dan mengalahkannya.
Tetapi bagaimana Po mampu mengalahkan senjata yang tidak terkalahkan tersebut? Po harus melihat kembali masa lalunya dan mengungkap rahasia dari misteri asal usulnya, jika berhasil barulah dia bisa membuka kekuatan yang selama ini tersembunyi. “Kung Fu Panda 2” dijadwalkan tayang pada 27 May 2011 dan disutradarai oleh Jennifer Yuh.
Berikut adalah tokoh baru dalam Kung Fu Panda 2 :
Soothsayer sudah lama menjadi penasehat untuk penguasa kota Gongmen, dia sangat bijaksana dan diberkahi dengan penglihatan ke masa depan.
Lord Shen sangat pintar, sangat berbahaya, dan juga dipenuhi dengan ambisi yang berapi-api. Ketiga kombinasi tersebut bersatu dan akhirnya membuat Shen ingin menghancurkan kungfu dan menguasai China, akhirnya dia akan berhadapan dengan Po dan kelima temannya.
The Wolf Bossdan pasukannya dulunya penjaga istana kota Gongmen. Sekarang dia adalah abdi paling setia yang dimiliki Lord Shen, tangan kanannya dan juga ahli dalam strategi militer.
Gorillas adalah yang terkuat di pasukan milik Lord Shen, jika ada pekerjaan berat yang diperlukan maka mereka lah yang akan berada dibarisan depan, pengawal pribadi Lord Shen juga terdiri dari para Gorilla ini yang sangat tunduk dengan masternya.

A Glass of Milk

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Glass with Milk

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water.

She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness."

He said..... "Then I thank you from my heart." As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit.

Year's later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the nameof the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room.

Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to the case.

After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval.

He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill.

She read these words.....

"Paid in full with one glass of milk"
Dr. Howard Kelly

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You, God, that Your love has spread abroad through human hearts and hands."

A Box of Kisses

Golden Present

The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree.

Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy." He was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found the box was empty.
He yelled at her, "Don't you know that when you give someone a present, there's supposed to be something inside it?"

The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and said,"Oh, Daddy, it is not empty. I blew kisses into the box. All for you, Daddy."

The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness.
It is told that the man kept that gold box by his bed for years and whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.

In a very real sense, each of us as humans have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, friends, family and God. There is no more precious possession anyone could hold.

Email Anak SMP

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cerita ini berawal ketika seorang pemuda melamar menjadi cleaning service di sebuah perusahaan. Perawakannya yang kecil sangat mirip dengan anak SMP walaupun usianya sudah dua puluh tahun. Tetapi bukan hanya penampilannya, pemuda itu benar-benar cuma lulusan SMP. Makanya, dia memilih melamar jadi cleaning service saja. Hari itu adalah hari yang teramat berat bagi mantan anak SMP itu. Pertama-tama ia harus menjalani tes wawancara, kemudian tes penggunaan alat-alat pembersih modern yang tidak ia mengerti, belum lagi tatapan mata para pengawas yang terlihat seperti sangat meremehkan perawakannya yang mirip anak SMP.

Akhirnya tes hari itu pun berakhir, seorang pegawai personalia menemuinya lalu berkata, “Oke, cukup untuk hari ini, tolong isi formulir ini. Jangan lupa untuk mengisi email, karena kami akan mengumumkan hasil tes ini lewat email.”

” Pak, maaf, saya tidak punya email.” Jawab pemuda itu.

“Ya sudah, maaf juga, berarti Anda belum layak untuk bekerja di perusahaan Teknologi Informasi ini.” Kata pegawai personalia itu.

Dengan kecewa, mantan anak SMP itu pulang ke rumahnya. Sampai di rumah, tiba-tiba tetangganya menemuinya. Tetangga itu bercerita bahwa ia punya sebuah pohon mangga yang berbuah lebat, tetangga itu meminta tolong pemuda itu untuk menjualkannya di pasar. “Nanti hasilnya 60 persen buat kamu, 40 persen buat aku. Gak banyak kok, paling-paling cuma sekitar 10 kg.”

Pemuda itu pun menyetujuinya dan segera membawa mangga-mangga itu ke pasar lalu menjualnya. Setelah semuanya terjual, pemuda itu menemui tetangganya lagi dan mengambil 60% bagiannya. Dia malah dapat ide, dia menemui tetangga yang lain yang masih punya pohon mangga lalu membelanjakan semua uangnya untuk membeli mangga tersebut dan menjualnya lagi ke pasar. Dia sangat senang ketika melihat uang di tangannya menjadi berlipat ganda.

Hal ini akhirnya rutin ia lakukan. Bukan hanya mangga, mantan anak SMP itu mulai mencari alternatif lain. Rambutan dan buah-buahan lain juga turut masuk daftar dagangnya. Lambat laun, ia memiliki gerobak untuk membawa buah-buah itu. Kemudian ia bisa membeli mobil pickup pada tahun berikutnya. Lama-lama, bisnis dagangnya tumbuh besar. Ia akhirnya menjadi seorang distributor buah yang paling kaya.

Pada suatu hari seorang sales website menemuinya dan berkata tentang kumpulan cerita tentang keuntungan jika membuat website. Di akhir perbincangannya, sales itu bertanya dengan sopan, “Kalau boleh tau, apa email bapak?”
“Saya tidak punya email.” Jawab pemuda mantan anak SMP itu.
“Wah, seharusnya pedagang sebesar bapak sudah punya email. apakah bapak tahu manfaat email?” tanya sales dengan sopan.
Jawab pemuda lulusan SMP itu, “Setahu saya, jika saya punya email, mungkin saat ini saya hanya menjadi seorang cleaning service di kantor Anda.”

Beda Visi, Bos Acer Hengkang

Gianfranco Lanci
Gianfranco Lanci

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CALIFORNIA - CEO dan Presiden CEO Acer, Gianfranco Lanci, telah keluar dari perusahaan asal Taiwan tersebut setelah berselisih dengan jajaran direksi karena berbeda pandangan.

Pihak Acer menyatakan bahwa Chairman Acer, J.T.Wang akan mengambil alih posisi tersebut untuk sementara waktu. Perbedaan pandangan tersebut diperkirakan karena Acer yang ingin fokus kembali ke PC di saat pasar tablet dan perangkat mobile semakin berkembang. Demikian seperti yang dikutip dari Pocket-Lint, Jumat (1/4/2011).

"Personal Computer (PC) masih merupakan inti dari bisnis kami. Kami telah membangun fondasi kuat dan akan terus mengekspansi pasar, terutama di segmen PC," ujar Wang.

Sebagai tambahan, lanjut Wang, Acer juga disebutkan akan melangkah ke pasar perangkat mobile (ponsel), di mana perusahaan akan berinvestasi secara hati-hati agar bisa menjadi pemimpin pasar di ranah tersebut.

"Dalam industri teknologi komunikasi, Acer memrlukan waktu tambahan. Dengan semangat usaha, kami akan menghadapi tantangan baru dan menatap masa depan dengan percaya diri," ungkap Wang.

Financial Times melaporkan bahwa harga saham Acer telah terguncang 25 persen sejak 28 Desember 2010.

GTX 590, Prosesor Core Nvidia GF110 dari Asus


JAKARTA - Kecepatan prosesor semakin menjadi hal yang diunggulkan dalam pemilihan perangkat komputer. Asus pun menelurkan GTX 590 yang dipersenjatai core NVIDIA GF110.

Menurut keterangan resmi pihak Asus, Sabtu (2/4/2011), ASUS GTX 590 menggunakan core NVIDIA GF110 ganda menghadirkan kinerja proses grafis lebih tinggi dibanding produk kartu grafis dengan board tunggal manapun.

Berkat Voltage Tweak eksklusif dari ASUS yang memungkinkan kartu grafis ini bekerja pada kecepatan hingga 918MHz, fitur ini memungkinkan menjalankan game DirectX 11 pada resolusi tertingi, dengan semua detil dan efek semaksimal mungkin, serta untuk gaming dan menonton film 3D yang halus dan begitu nyata dengan NVIDIA 3D Vision Surround yang ditampilkan pada 3 layar.

Kartu grafis ASUS ENGTX590/3DIS/3GD5, dual GPU dengan NVIDIA GF110 pada board tunggal.

Penggunaan GPU GF110 ganda meningkatkan kinerja melampaui desain referensi GTX580 generasi sebelumnya, melebihi kemampuan pemrosesan grafis dibanding produk berbasis NVIDIA Fermi tunggal yang terkuat saat ini. Video memory 3GB dengan teknologi GDDR5 yang cepat dan memory interface 384-bit untuk bandwidth dan interkonektivitas yang lebih baik dengan komponen sistem lainnya.

ASUS GTX 590 menggunakan core yang berjalan pada 612MHz, sehingga membuatnya menjadi kartu grafis dual-core tercepat yang pernah ada. Utilitas overvolting Voltage Tweak eksklusif dari ASUS juga memanfaatkan semua keunggulannya, memungkinkan pengguna yang menggunakan pendinginan ekstra dapat meningkatkan kecepatan kartu grafis dengan kecepatan clock hingga 50 persen lebih cepat, menjadi 918MHz. Hal ini berarti peningkatan signifikan untuk kehalusan gambar dan respon pada game.

Dukungan untuk NVIDIA 3D Vision Surround berkat kemampuan dari kartu grafis dengan dual-GPU ini, sehingga dapat dengan mudah menampilkan output full HD 3D secara simultan pada 3 layar.

2 GPU yang seimbang dan optimal pada sebuah board pada GTX 590 menawarkan lebih dari dua kali kemampuan GTX 580, dan selalu beroperasi pada konfigurasi 2-way SLI secara standar. (srn) 

Keluarga Terbaru Prosesor Intel Core Diluncurkan

JAKARTA, - Intel Corporation, Kamis (24/3/2011), memperkenalkan keluarga prosesor generasi kedua Intel Core di Indonesia. Keunggulan keluarga terbaru ini adanya prosesor grafis terintegrasi di dalam chip prosesor serta Intek Quick Sync Video, Intel HD Graphics, dan Intel Wireless Display 2.0. Keistimewaan lain, lebih hemat energi dan harga yang lebih terjangkau.

Lebih dari 5.000 model PC dan notebook produk semua OEM di dunia diharapkan beredar tahun ini. Di Indonesia, vendor lokal dan multinasional hampir semua merek seperti menyatakan ketersediaan produk PC, notebook, dan server berbasis prosesor generasi kedua itu di akhir Maret.

Dibandingkan generasi sebelumnya, kreasi konten meningkat 42 persen lebih cepat dan untuk gaming 50 persen setelah memakai prosesor Intel Core Generasi kedua. Ada sekitar satu miliar transistor di dalam prosesor Intel Core generasi kedua. Jika dibandingkan dengan mobil yang terdiri atas satu miliar suku cadang Toyota zaman sekarang memiliki 30.000 suku cadang perlu waktu 114 tahun bagi pabrik mobil paling produktif untuk merakit menjadi mobil.

Jika dianggap sebagai populasi suatu negara, prosesor Intel Core generasi kedua bakal menjadi negara nomor dua dengan jumlah populasi tertinggi di dunia. Saat ini, transistor Intel Core generasi kedua adalah 995 juta. Jika itu jumlah populasi, artinya Intel hanya kalah dari China dan unggul dari India,
Generasi kedua ini memiliki 540 juta transistor lebih dari jumlah seluruh mobil gabungan di Uni Eropa, Amerika Serikat, dan Asia Pasifik yang terdaftar.

Jadi, semua keistimewaan itu berarti memperbaiki pemakaian PC secara dramatis dengan penggunaan energi yang lebih baik dan lebih efisien serta memperpanjang usia baterai.

"Generasi kedua Intel Core merupakan lompatan teknologi karena prosesor grafis terintegrasi di dalam chip prosesor memungkinkan kinerja visual yang lebih pintar dan adaptif," kata Santosh Viswanathan, Chief Representatif Intel Indonesia Corporation di Senayan, Jakarta.

Indonesia merupakan salah satu pasar potensial karena adanya kebangkitan industri kreatif, peningkatan penghargaan dan minat publik menciptakan atau menikmati konten.

"Indonesia memberikan kontribusi bagi kesuksesan Intel," kata Debjani Ghosh, Director Intel South East Asia. Ia mengatakan Intel Core generasi kedua baru diluncurkan di Indonesia karena pihaknya ingin memastikan semua produk yang menggunkannya telah tersedia di pasar.

Facebook Ambil Alih Aplikasi Snaptu

LONDON, — Facebook makin memperkuat cengkeramannya untuk mengendalikan aplikasi jejaring sosial di ponsel. Setelah melakukan beberapa pendekatan untuk masuk ke layanan mobile, antara lain mendorong produksi ponsel dengan menu khusus Facebook, kali ini penyedia layanan jejaring sosial dari Palo Alto, California, AS, itu juga mengakuisisi Snaptu.

"Tim Snaptu dengan bangga mengumumkan kalau hari ini kami telah setuju untuk diakuisisi Facebook," tulis mereka di blog Snaptu, Minggu (20/3/2011). Namun, tidak dijelaskan lebih lanjut berapa besar nilai akuisisi tersebut. Mereka hanya mengatakan bahwa proses akuisisi akan selesai dalam beberapa minggu ke depan.
Disebutkan pula bahwa dengan bergabung bersama Facebook, Snaptu akan berkembang semakin cepat dan menjangkau pengguna lebih banyak. Snaptu akan segera merilis fitur baru menyusul akuisisi ini agar dapat digunakan untuk mengakses Facebook lebih sempurna di semua jenis ponsel.

Snaptu merupakan aplikasi yang bisa dijalankan di ponsel dengan berbagai platform untuk mengakses layanan-layanan berbasis jejaring, seperti Facebook, Twitter, dan Picasa. Snaptu kali pertama dikembangkan pada tahun 2007 dan berbasis di London, Inggris. Tujuan utama Snaptu adalah menyediakan layanan internet di ponsel kepada para pengguna yang belum terjangkau smartphone.

Sebelum diakuisisi, Snaptu telah menjalin kerja sama dengan Facebook untuk mengembangkan aplikasi Facebook untuk diakses di ponsel kelas menengah ke bawah. Aplikasi bernama Facebook for Feature Phone itu mendukung 2.500 model atau tipe handset ponsel untuk menjangkau jutaan pengguna telepon seluler di berbagai negara berkembang. 

HotGame Online Siap Manjakan Pecinta Game

JAKARTA, - Majalah HotGame mengeluarkan terobosan baru dalam memanjakan penggemar game di Indonesia dengan mengeluarkan layanan online yang beralamat di Peresemian tersebut menjadi salah satu rangkaian acara dalam acara bertajuk "HotGame Ville" yang diselenggarakan majalah HotGame di Gandaria City, Jakarta, 25-27 Maret 2011.

Menurut Editor in Chief HotGame Aditya Nuswandana, peresmian web tersebut merupakan salah satu upaya untuk memanjakan para gamers di Indonesia agar dapat mendapatkan informasi secara cepat.

"Tuntutan zaman pasti menuntut media online, oleh karena itu, kami luncurkan website ini. Karena kebutuhan masyarakat sekarang, tidak ingin menunggu majalah saja," ujar Aditnya kepada, Minggu (27/3/2011) kemarin.

Sebagai media online yang baru, ia mengharapkan para gamers dapat juga berperan aktif dalam mengisi rubrik dalam website tersebut. "Kita juga mengharapkan kedepannya nanti yang menulis di rubrik hotgame online itu bisa siapa aja, tidak hanya redaksi. Karena dalam media online spesifik seperti ini, harus dipilih dengan orang yang mengerti di bidangnya, tidak hanya orang yang mengerti menulis saja," terang Aditya.

Selain peresmian HotGame online, dalam acara tersebut juga digelar beberapa turnamen game, seperti Point Blank Competition, Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 Competition, Gran Turismo 5 Competition, World Club Champion Football, Animal Kaiser, dll.

Dalam acara tersebut, hadir pula beberapa petinggi dari Kompas Gramedia Group, yakni Deputy General Manager Publishing II Men's Media Gramedia Majalah Hendra Noor Saleh, dan Bussines Manager Men's Media Gramedia Majalah Devi O. Simoturang. 

Internet Explorer 9 Resmi Dirilis

AUSTIN, - Microsoft secara resmi merilis browser teranyarnya Internet Explorer 9, Senin (14/3/2011) waktu AS atau Selasa kemarin WIB memanfaatkan momentum ajang konferensi SXSW Interactive (SXSWi) di Austin, Texas. Software terbaru untuk menjelajahi situs web ini diklaim lebih aman, lebih kencang, mendukung standar web lebih baik, dan paling menarik untuk komputer berbasis Windows.

"Hari ini, Web dapat menampilkan kekuatan dan kinerja dari hardware PC terbaik melalui Windows dan Internet Explorer 9," kata Dean Hachamovitch, corporate vice president Microsoft dalam siaran persnya. Internet Explorer 9 dapat diunduh dalam 40 bahasa melalui situs

Dengan iE9, situs web dapat melakukan penyesuaian agar secara khusus dapat ditampilkan di menu Windows 7 seperti sebagai sebuah aplikasi tersendiri dengan ikon di layar memanfaatkan fitur Pinned Sites. Saat ini telah lebih dari 250 situs terkemuka di seluruh dunia memanfaatkan fitur khusus tersebut untuk menghadirkan pengalaman berbeda bagi para pengunjungnya.

Pinned Sites dan JumpList memungkinkan para pengguna menempatkan situs web secara langsung pada Windows 7 Taskbar, seperti halnya pada aplikasi-aplikasi, dan menjalankan berbagai perintah dengan mudah dan cepat terdahap situs-situs, seperti memeriksa inbox mereka, mengganti stasiun radio, menerima undangan seorang teman atau melihat berita penting. Selain 250 situs terkemuka, lebih dari 1.000 situs dan disain lainnya juga memanfaatkan fitur-fitur baru dengan Internet Explorer 9 dan Windows 7.

"Apa yang menjadi perhatian pengguna tentang Web adalah situs mereka, bukan browser mereka. Karenanya Internet Explorer 9 membuat situs mereka menjadi menarik. Browser ibarat gedung theater dan situs yang dikunjungi merupakan pertunjukannya, demikianlah Internet Explorer 9 membuatnya lebih menarik – pada situs favorit Anda," kata Ryan Gavin, senior director, Windows Internet Explorer, Microsoft.

Versi terbaru dari Internet Explorer memanfaatkan kekuatan hardware Windows PC masa kini untuk meningkatkan seluruh kinerja browsing Web. Browser ini memiliki akselerasi penuh HTML5, Internet Explorer 9 menggabungkan kekuatan Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), menggunakan 90 persen dari kekuatan PC yang sebelumnya tidak digunakan oleh web browser.

Para developer kini dapat mengembangkan situs web yang lebih cepat, lebih menarik seperti halnya pada aplikasi-aplikasi yang menggunakan interoperabilitas HTML5 atau menggunakan Adobe Flash Player dan Microsoft Silverlight, keduanya memanfaatkan akselerasi hardware dalam Internet Explorer 9 sesuai dengan versi yang berikutnya.

Internet Explorer 9 juga dirancang untuk menjadi browser yang memiliki sejumlah teknologi keamanan, privasi, dan dapat dipercaya untuk membuat konsumen lebih aman mengakses online. Microsoft telah memperkenalkan Tracking Protection di Internet Explorer 9, yang membantu pengguna mengelola data yang mereka kirim ketika mengakses web. Selain itu ada fitur PrivacyChoice, TRUSTe, Abine dan Adblock Plus. IE9 juga menyediakan download manager yang pertama terintegrasi dengan perlindungan malware SmartScreen. Beberapa studi yang dikutip Microsoft menyatakan bahwa Internet Explorer 9 menahan 99 persen dari serangan malware buatan masyarakat, lima kali lebih banyak dari Firefox dan 33 kali lebih banyak dari Chrome.

Kombinasi Windows 7 dan Internet Explorer 9, menciptakan pengalaman terbaru yang menjadikan web seperti aplikasi-aplikasi PC yang ada. Hasilnya adalah pengalaman web yang lebih baik.

Satu Dekade Mac OS X "Mengaum" - Tanpa peringatan khusus, sistem operasi Mac OS X buatan Apple yang dikenal punya kemampuan grafis sangat baik telah berusia satu dekade. Debutnya secara formal baru dilakukan pada 24 Maret 2001 dan sejak saat itu telah keluar beberapa versi dengan nama kode yang khas yakni bermacam jenis kucing besar.

Dalam sepuluh tahun sudah tujuh versi dirilis dan satu direncanakan akhir tahun ini. Masing-masing Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, leopard, Snow leopard, dan akan segera menyusul Lion. Awalnya nama kode tersebut hanya digunakan untuk kepentingan internal, namun justru menjadi sebutan yang akrab bagi para pecinta Mac.

Mac OS X sendiri sebenarnya sudah mulai dikembangkan sejak tahun 1994 dengan proyek Copland di Apple. Kemudian platform tersebut disatukan dalam Apple Rhapsody developer Release setelah Apple mengakuisis penuh NeXT yang diriikan Steve Jobs pada 1996. Rhapsody berkembang menjadi Mac OS X Server (Hera) pada 1999. Versi publik beta dengan nama Kodiak keluar 30 September 2002 dan enam bulan kemudian baru dirilis versi pertama untuk publik.

Berikut perjalanan Mac OS X dari waktu ke waktu:

Mac OS X Cheetah
CEO Apple Steve Jobs menyebut Mac OS X sebagai platform penting bagi Apple setelah sistem operasi Macintosh pertama merevolusi industri pada tahun 1984. Saat diluncurkan 25 September 2001, versi pertama didukung 350 aplikasi di antaranya iMovie 2, iTunes, dan AppleWorks 6.1. Harganya waktu itu 129 dollar AS dan dipakai pada iMac, iBook, Power Macintosh G3, Power Mac G4, Power Mac G4 Cube, dan PowerBook.

Mac OS X 10.1 Puma
Apple pertama kali memperkenalkan versi kedua Mac OS X pada Juli 2001 pada acara Macworld dan baru dirilis 25 September 2011. Ini mungkin versi yang selisihnya paling cepat dari pendahulunya karena hanya enam bulan. Apple meningkatkan user interface dengan nama Aqua dan memperluas dukungan terhadap media dan perangkat seperti DVD, MP3, CD, printer, dan kamera digital. Harga satu unit lisensi saat itu juga 129 dollar AS.

Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar
Versi ketiga ini diperkenalkan pada Agustus 2002 namun baru tersedia di pasar 23 Agustus 2002. Untuk pertama kali, nama kodenya dipakai dalam media marketing. Ada 150 fitur baru antara lain iChat, filter junk mail, dan teknologi jaringan yang lebih baik. Dalam seminggu pertama, terjual 100.000 copy. Ada dua paket yang tersedia seharga 129 dollar AS dan paket keluarga untuk lima orang hanya 199 dollar AS.

Mac OS X 10.3 Panther
Keluarnya versi keempat ini selisih lebih dari satu tahun dengan versi sebelumnya karena dirilis 24 Oktober 2003. Ada 150 fitur baru ditambahkan pada Mac OS X 10.3 ini, antara lain Finder dengan satu akses klik ke file dan folder, fitur tampilan Expose, dan iChat AV untuk videokonferensi. Tersedia pula versi Mac OS X Server 10.3. Harganya 129 dollar AS sedangkan untuk server 499 dollar AS untuk 10 klien dan 999 dollar AS untuk jumlah klien tak terbatas.

Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger
Untuk versi kelima, selisih waktu dengan versi keempat malah lebih panjang lagi karena baru keluar April 2005. Namun, ada 200 fitur baru yang menarik seperti fungsi pencarian dengan Spotlight dan Dashboard yang mendukung widget untuk pertama kalinya.

Mac OS X Leopard
Leopard memulai debutnya pada oktober 2007 dengan perbaikan pada fitur pencarian file dengan Stacks, desain ulang Finder, Quick Look, dan untuk pertama kali memperkenalkan backup Time Machine.

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Snow Leopard yang muncul Agustus 2009 mungkin perbaruan besar-besaran secara sistem keseluruhan karena Apple menyatakan telah memperbarui 90 persen dari 1000 proyek yang terlibat dalam pengembangan Mac OS X. Ukurannya hanya setengah versi sebelumnya karena cukup dengan media penyimpan 7 GB. Telah mendukung prosesor 64 bit.

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
Generasi terbaru yang diberi nama Lion direncanakan akan dirilis akhir tahun ini. Namun, Apple telah mendistribusikan versi uji coba kepada beberapa mitra pengembang. beberapa fitur baru antara lain teknologi berbagi file secara nirkabel AirDrop dan desain ulang aplikasi Mail. Juga ada tool interface LaunchPad untuk menampilkan tampilan layar iPhone dan iPad ke Mac. Platform ini juga akan mendukung penuh layar multitouch.

Aplikasi Kodak Bisa Hapus Orang Lain di Foto - Hmm, tak mau kalah dengan perusahaan-perusahaan teknologi lainnya, Kodak pun punya humor April Mob yang tidak kalah cerdas. Di tanggal 1 April 2011, Paulette Brandes, Interactive Marketing Manager Design & Usability Kodak, melansir aplikasi baru yang bisa menghapus otomatis orang yang tidak diinginkan di dalam foto.

" punya aplikasi baru- relatuonshiffft - hapus seseorang di semua foto dan video #aprilfools," tulis Paulette Brandes di akun Twitter miliknya.

Dari namanya saja sudah pasti main-main pakai huruf "F" tiga buah. Namun, Paulette Brandes menyajikan dengan serius guyonan tersebut. Tulisannya di blog "A Thousand Words-Kodak" diawali sebuah foto yang menggambarkan secara singkat bagaimana Relationshiffft bekerja.

"Teknologi unik dengan pendekatan tiga tahap yang kami perkenalkan membantu Anda menghapus seseorang yang sudah tidak ada dalam kehidupan Anda dari foto dan video cukup dengan satu sentuhan mudah," tulisnya.

Pertama, Kodak telah mengembangkan software pengenal wajah yang akan mengidentifikasi seseorang lewat mukanya di dalam foto. Algoritma tingkat tinggi yang dikembangkan bisa melacak foto orang yang sama di semua foto dan video dalam waktu singkat.

Kedua, sensor canggih buatan Kodak akan mendeteksi seluruh bagian tubuh orang tersebut di dalam foto dan video dan akan menghapusnya. Tidak hanya itu, sensor tersebut juga akan mengenali lingkungan sekitar sehingga bagian yang terhalang tubuh orang yang dihapus akan disesuaikan dengan kondisi sebenarnya. Kemampuan tersebut berkat teknologi piksel decohadron (12 sisi).

Ketiga, Kodak juga punya teknologi tinta pigmen nano yang setiap pikselnya bisa diatur. Ibarat saklar, pikselnya bisa diatur on atau off, sehingga piksel-piksel yang membentuk foto seseorang dapat dimatikan.
Tapi apakah tega menghapus orang yang pernah menjadi sahabat, teman, atau saudara? Nah, Kodak pun tengah menyiapkan aplikasi versi baru yang akan dinamai APP (Automated Person PLUS" yang bahkan bisa menambahkan orang lain secara otomatis di dalam foto.

Tapi, tentu saja semua itu hanya khayalan Paulette Brandes. Sejauh ini, teknologi tersebut memang belum ada, namun bukan tidak mungkin di depan? Ada atau tidak, enggak usah gusar, nikmati saja bulan April ini.

Browser Firefox 4 Akhirnya Dirilis

MOUNTAIN VIEW, — Setelah ditunggu-tunggu sejak versi beta tahun lalu, versi final browser Firefox 4 akhirnya resmi dirilis Mozilla, Selasa (22/3/2011). Browser teranyar ini digadang-gadang akan menyediakan pengalaman mengakses web lebih cepat, nyaman, dan mudah menyesuaikan kebutuhan 400 juta pengguna browser Mozilla di seluruh dunia saat ini.

"Firefox menempatkan pengguna sebagai pengendali penuh pengalaman di web, menyediakan tampilan yang rapi, fitur-fitur baru yang menyenangkan, kecepatan jauh meningkat, dan mendukung teknologi-teknologi web modern," tulis tim Mozilla di situsnya.

Perubahan yang paling kentara adalah dalam hal tampilan. Seperti yang dilakukan pengembang browser lainnya, tampilannya lebih bersih dengan menu ringkas. Halaman web menjadi pusat sorotan di tengah. Tersedia fitur App Tabs, tempat alamat situs web yang paling sering dikunjungi. Terdapat pula fitur Panorama untuk mengumpulkan banyak tab menjadi satu kategori agar tampilan tetap nyaman saat membuka banyak tab.

Namun, pengguna tetap diberi kebebasan melakukan penataan tampilan browser dengan tersedianya fitur Persona. Ekstensi dan add on yang menjadi andalan Firefox sejak awal memperkaya fitur browser yang dapat dipilih secara personal.

Kecepatan akses web dengan Firefox 4 diklaim enam kali lipat dibanding versi sebelumnya, Firefox 3.6. Dikombinasikan dengan dukungan terhadap fitur grafis berbasis hardware pada komputer masa kini, browser ini juga mendukung akses ke konten multimedia yang kaya. Browser ini juga sudah mendukung penuh teknologi HTML5, video HD (WebM), dan grafis 3D.

Kali ini, pengguna juga lebih nyaman karena crash di salah satu halaman tidak berpengaruh dengan halaman lainnya. Saat tiba-tiba halaman yang tengah dibuka crash karena konten Flash, QuickTime, atau Silverlight tidak bekerja sempurna, halaman lain tetap bisa diakses.

Firefox 4 tersedia untuk pengguna komputer berbasis Windows, Linux, maupun Mac OS X dan tersedia dalam 80 bahasa pengantar. Dalam waktu dekat, Firefox 4 juga akan tersedia dalam versi mobile untuk smartphone dan perangkat berbasis Android dan Maemo. Saat ini Firefox 4 Mobile baru tersedia dalam versi Release Candidate (RC).

Firefox 4 dapat diunduh secara cuma-cuma di